Aventus Group achieved solid financial performance in 2019. According to preliminary data, the net profit of the Group was estimated at 12,6 million Eur last year – 3,2 times more than in 2018.
At the end of 2019, the equity of the Group stood at 14,3 million Eur.
The total loan portfolio of the Group at the end of 2019 amounted to 58,82 million Eur. The principal of the net portfolio amounted to 37,4 million Eur.
According to all business parameters, Aventus Group grew up by almost three times last year in comparison with 2018. The business review 2019 of Aventus Group can be found here.
The key to stability – measured business expansion and risk management
“Our main performance indicators consistently grew up over the year 2019, and the growth in profits was positively impacted by expanded business activities and increased lending volumes,” – says Raimundas Lukoševičius, CFO of Aventus Group.

“Aventus Group business is based on responsible lending. Professional risk management has led to a relatively low rate of late customer payments on the Group level,” – explains R. Lukoševičius.
“We are in partnership with P2P alternative investment platform PeerBerry, so we take into account the responsibility for our investors’ money as well. Today we can say with certainty that the equity of the Group is fully sufficient to cover all the liabilities of the Group,” – declares the CFO of Aventus Group.
Financial statements of Aventus Group companies
Aventus Group operates in more than 10 markets. Loans issued by 17 Aventus Group companies are currently listed on the PeerBerry platform.
“We started the process of preparing the financial statements of each Aventus Group company. This is quite a long process, as each country applies different regulations and tax systems. We plan to have financial statements for the year 2019 ready by the end of I H of 2020,” – says R. Lukoševičius.